[Dailydrool] My Ghost story

jacquelynn chazey aerogator27 at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 17 17:50:01 PDT 2010

Greetings and healing drool to all in need.
I have had two Ghost encounters.  Once when I was 19, on a horse farm in IL., and the house the matron had me stay temporarily was a very old house, and there was a suicide hanging that took place there, and I did not hear this story until the night that I was sleeping in one twin bed and woke up in the other twin bed, and the radio was blasting the Star Spangled Banner.  This was in 1977, before computer data base info was accessible, so I was never able to research the event.  Ironically, that was the summer that drew me into the basset world, as my co-worker owned Copper who spent a lot of time in my bed, and he turned me into a basset lover.  The Second Ghost encounter I had was in our house, and I saw the Ghost of a very tall American Indian.  There was no dialogue or energy exchange, he just appeared.  Our house is on a former burial ground of Native Americans.  I was not scared.  This is why I embrace spirituality and living out of the box.
Hugs and woofs
Jax and the herd
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