[Dailydrool] itchies

Marsdoxy2 at aol.com Marsdoxy2 at aol.com
Tue Aug 24 14:05:20 PDT 2010

give Zoey 2 Benadryl,  my first Basset Lucy had severe allergies and I  
would give her two Benadryl, it is a antihistamine   and it will also  calm her 
down because it makes them kind of sleepy so you should be able to get  the 
socks on her.  My Maggie Wags also has severe allergies and even  although 
she is takings desensitizing shots she  still has contact  allergies to the 
grass,  I have to wash her feet in cool water, pat them  dry and I use hydro 
cortizone cream on the inside  of her pads,  I rub  a small amount in and 
then put on the baby socks on.    the vet said  it only has to have about 
three minutes of contact time to work, so if you can't  get socks on Zoey  just 
sit with her  for a little while until the  cream has a chance to work,  
part of it may also be obsession,  once  they start licking they can't stop.  
the Benadryl should also help that, I  use the Benadryl  caplets,   easier 
to put down the throat, I  dont even try to put it in her food she eats 
around it or spits it out  !   Personally I would not use the cone,  just my 
stupid  opinion,  my Maggie is a fraid of everything and the cone would just 
scare  her to death, if Zoey already has an issue with things, I wouldn't try 
the cone.  good luck
Marlene  mommy to Maggie and Evil Annie  ( I had a baff ta day  and mommy 
had one wif me  bwahahaha )
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