[Dailydrool] Zoey update and thanks

Lynn & Linda Ferrell ldferrell at msn.com
Sat Aug 28 14:29:40 PDT 2010

Thanks to everyone who sent and posted help and advice about Zoey's paw.  It 
is doing much better. It has responded well to the antibiotics and the 
steroid spray and is healing nicely. Benadryl has helped to keep her from 
wanting to lick it. She continued her opposition to wearing a sock and even 
spraying her foot. The former was accomplished only twice and the latter was 
done with the assistance of the muzzle, which she would put on for treats, 
at least when a friend assisted me. Sometimes I could get a spritz in when 
her attention was diverted, but she caught on quickly. It was hugely useful 
to hear that even limited time for the spray without licking would be 
helpful and someone's tip to give her the benedryl an hour before trying to 
make my moves with the spray or sock was golden.  I did not have to use a 
cone or collar. I did try rolled up towels twice and while my technique was 
not quite up to keeping her from reaching her front foot, she did not mind 
the towels at all and I will certainly keep it in mind using a longer towel 
and duct tape should the need arise again. Thanks again for your help and 
encouragement! Droolers are indeed the best.

I went with a friend today to Bassetfest outside Milwaukee so that she could 
adopt a basset. We had a great time and Edith, her new five year old red and 
white is a real sweetie. Zoey will meet her soon.
Linda and Zoey


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