[Dailydrool] this and that

Linda Dianis ldianis at comcast.net
Wed Dec 1 19:32:53 PST 2010

We made a small donation to help pay for Henry's surgery; good luck  
little guy!

Otis and Nelly nominated their Lieutenant Friend Roger to be on the  
Howliday Cards list this year.
He is in Kandahar and won't be home for a long time. He is a very good  
basset adorer and devotee of the
Look, Bellyrub, and Snooter. We hope he will get cards; they will  
thrill him and his companions there.

It is getting cold here and Otis and Nelly are hunkeriing down for  
winter hibernation; not much interest in the deer poop or chipmunk  
tracking these days.
We wish you all good drool and healing magic for the ailing and sad.
How is that corn-cob-blocked adorable rescue doing now?! Gaining more  
weight? (can't remember name; I am losing it some days!)
Linda, with Otis and Nelly

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