[Dailydrool] Basset nails and others

Riche Churchill buglr at blomand.net
Thu Dec 23 09:12:20 PST 2010

Basset nails should come with a warning tag. Even when they're fairly 
easy to do while the dog is young, assuming you've done all the right 
things (training, oh isn't this fun - here's some peanut butter, I'm 
really just petting you, etc.) things may change as they get older and 
the nails get thicker and tougher.
There really just is no ONE answer. Some never seem to mind TOO much, 
some turn into Tasmanian Devils. Grinding with a Dremel works for some; 
mine hate that just as much as the cutters. If I turn on an appliance 
that even sounds like the Dremel, all dogs disappear. (Hmmn, maybe I 
could try that when expecting company?)
I am not unsympathetic -- don't like to have my own nails "done" and 
they don't involve the amount of force, torque (twisting) that 
unavoidably occurs to the toebones. However slight, it still must feel 
icky. Our worst-case dog has to be done at vet, complete with muzzle and 
two attendants holding her.

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