[Dailydrool] Grieving

Linda Dianis ldianis at comcast.net
Wed Jan 13 09:28:20 PST 2010

Otis and Nelly have both been very quiet and sleeping a lot since I  
came home Monday night. Our kitty Ollie died last Friday and I am  
beginning to wonder if Otis, in particular, is grieving. He has chosen  
some odd places to curl up inside the house, and he pulls me out to  
Ollie's grave when we return from our walks. They are both eating but  
not the usual speed-swallow.
I know it is cold and winter and a good time for basset sluggishness,  
but do you think he is/they are grieving?
There was a drool discussion earlier about bassets grieving each  
other, but this is cross-species. They both got to sniff Ollie's body  
when Jack brought him home before burial, so they knew for sure. Any  
suggestions appreciated.
Linda, with Otis and Nelly

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