[Dailydrool] just our opinion

Bob cowbobdog at gmail.com
Tue Jan 12 14:48:07 PST 2010

in the rescue vs responsible breeder vs shameless puppy mills and lets
through in those horrible pet abusers too

it our opinion none of this is likely to change a whole lot in the coming
years unless the legislatures do one thing


right now you can basically do anything you want because it is personal
property..well remember what happened to women and then to people of color
when they were personal property..

our country (and others too) have some sort of sick warped view of what you
do with your ownpersonal property is your business and no one elses..

this of course is wrong but it is what it is

make them MORE than that so that it is a crime to be inhumane and alot will
change..but for now what is the risk of having hundreds of dogs live in
cages in there own filth and diseased..

Just our opinion..

Bobby "I think I can" Nali

King Bob the DOg, Jasmine, Lenny & Lexie

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