[Dailydrool] Justin ,Jade and Lilly

Johnathan Molyneaux Johnathan.Molyneaux at cfgrp.co.za
Thu Mar 11 04:36:17 PST 2010

Good day all

Healing drool to all in need

This is Justin woofing in for the sisters; we are all routing for PW
Elder Clara to win the young at heart competition.

We are sending stay well and get well drool to CJ and his brothers and
sisters, Brutus, Truman, Abner  and the girl who was left at Anya's vet.

We are also sending comforting and be at peace drool to JoJo and Lisa
and wishing that the time left for both you to be together

will be filled with a wonderful sense of being.

We have asked the slaves to light a candle for Nick and Nora who have
gone to the bridge.

Our brother was not feeling so well this morning and before we had the
chance to play at being nurses ,the slave Johnathan butted in and had
everything back more or less to normal before he left for the office.
Now that he has spoilt that game Lilly and I will have

To play with our stuffies today. 

Pw Justin it is amazing how calm Johnathan stays and quickly gets things
sorted out, I really felt terrible this morning and had to sit down on
the rump bones. It was not long before Johnathan got me back on all
fours and I was patrolling my garden again.

Jade maybe the slave Johnathan will let us nurse him when he gets home
from the office.

Lilly I would much prefer the slave to show us around the kitchen; maybe
I could distract, and get lucky.

Slaves Johnathan and William


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