[Dailydrool] drool'n for Cakie & QW Olive

Pat Wood patshoundies at gmail.com
Mon Mar 22 13:28:06 PDT 2010

We've been "away" from the DD for a couple of months now, and are finally
back "on" only to hear sweet momCakes and QW Olive need mountains of
drool...well, we're goin' into overtime production right now - that chicken
breast should start us up big time!

we're askin' for a little comforting drool ourselves - dearest Ethel, 14,
who has enjoyed traveling to Pennsylvania and Maryland Waddles ATB, and
Puff, our 16 year old wonder cat who always thought she was a basset cause
that's all she ever was "around", who was also the Suncoast Basset Rescue
"cat tester" for new rescues (does this hound get along with cats?) ATB in
the last two months....

so now it's just senior girls Annabella and Hannah - it feels so "empty"
around the house, but, we're going to just go with the flow for a while-us'n
3 girls

Pat Wood
Hannah & Annabella
Lady, Lily, NeHi, Samantha, Bubba & Ethel, Oliver...and Puff   ATB
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