[Dailydrool] Halloween and Howliday Cards

Nancy Candray speedsterbasset at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 5 20:25:19 PDT 2010

I don't have much time to post anymore but I did want to share our halloween this year. Its the first we have ever had any trick or treaters since in L.A.  it isn't really safe to walk and people prefer to take their kids to the mall to treat or trick instead. Since we moved to a surburan area this year we were swamped with kids. Speedy was there to greet them all, although we did have to put him behind a baby gate so he wouldn't run out in the street in search of some belly rubs. He whined the entire 3 hours that people were out. He thought it was the greatest sin that they come and NOT say hello to him. He was very put out. It was quite amusing to see the wiggling butt and the whine go at the same time. 
I LOVE howliday exchange season. Its probably the only thing that I didn't cut out of the budget this year. I love getting the mail and looking at all the bassets. Now if I can onlyget Speedy to sit decently this time around....

Nancy momslabe to
Speedy Speed Demon of the West OEBE
Ted (ATB)
and now Rambo

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