[Dailydrool] Cnly

Kay, Nancy K *HS NKK3U at hscmail.mcc.virginia.edu
Fri Sep 17 17:34:11 PDT 2010

I was listening to the radio on the way to work this morning and had it tuned to "Doctor Radio", my current favorite XM station. There was a pediatrician talklng with a child behavior specialist, about young children learing to read, and what milestones to watch for. Since we have a young granddaughter, I found it interesting, and here are the notes I wrote down whenever I stopped for stop-lights.

"I CN RD" bks, esp fox 
kndrgartn - 1 gr

When I got to work and read my scribbles, I thought, "Conley wrote this!" LOL!

Nancy, totally brainwashed by the ddrool, and cnly

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