[Dailydrool] Bahama bassets

Pam Farris savethebassets at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 7 05:01:11 PDT 2011

Basset Rescue of Florida, which is based in south Florida, is the rescue working with the Bahama organization to properly place these bassets and was very impressed with how diligent this gentleman is being in making sure the bassets are well placed and their needs cared for.  He truly wants to adopt them into a home that is a perfect match and have no doubt he will find it in the Bahamas which is the preferred place for them as there is no reason to bring more dogs in need of adoption into the US since we can't find homes for all that need them here and bassets are dying in shelters across the US. 

These bassets are in good hands and in no danger of losing their lives.  I am in the scuba dive travel industry so have numerous contacts in the Bahamas and the Caribbean and have spread the word through them as well.  I had no idea he would "cut and paste" my remarks as I just wrote him what I tell people who have never had one in their lives when they apply to adopt from us as well as what our screening criteria is. 

The woman who gave them up came with a story those of us in rescue hear every day.  She bought them when they were cute puppies but now that they are two,  apartment living while she was gone all day, was causing great grief to her neighbors. 

Anyway,  these bassets live in tropical paradise, and will be in the home they deserve soon.  If anyone wants a 2 year old basset.....I am sure most of the rescues have one just for you....I know we do....at least the one we have has already received his brains, although the package was a little light.  His name is Buddy and is a cute tri-color.  His specialty is picking up dirty laundry off the floor.  His problem is I haven't been able to train him to take it to the laundry room - it all goes outside for the whole neighborhood to see - bassets, ya gotta love em.

Drool (and lots of it) to all in need.

Pam Farris
Basset Rescue of Florida, Inc.

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