[Dailydrool] "The Traveling Weed "; a basset ballet

tomanddeb at tznet.com tomanddeb at tznet.com
Sun Apr 17 09:58:27 PDT 2011

In back of our garden shed, we have a patch of wild white morning glories, 
that I have never planted. Every year, they crawl up the pole for cable and 
phone wires and die off in the fall, falling to the ground naturally. This 
year they decided to wretch themselves free and travel along the cables , 
which go over the dog yard. We have had high winds and they were propelled 
along the wire to hang temptingly , inches above the ground. The Masterpiece 
girls were out in the yard when all barking let loose. Upon investigation 
what I witnessed was Lacey, Zip, Zap, Apples, and Fern, jumping up on thier 
hind legs trying to get a taste of the weed! If they had been wearing tu tus 
it would have been the first ever opening performance of "The Traveling 
Weed" a basset ballet. Much laughter, weed pulled down, and all of them 
giving me "The Look". But that is another dance.    Debbie and the 
Masterpiece Bassets

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