[Dailydrool] Don't tell Miss Angela

bjenk1 at cox.net bjenk1 at cox.net
Sat Aug 13 09:49:49 PDT 2011

Bill here, press agent/personal trainer to Miss Angela Basset,
Droop and Drool Diva of Wichita and Sedgwick County

Miss Angela has absolutely forbidden me to discuss this with
anyone and, in fact, has denied any role in the phenomena but
I am overcome with curiosity.  Here it is in a nutshell:  While the
Diva housetrained easily and completely (unless left inside for
unreasonable periods by a callous employee), recently I have 
been finding little turdlets in places where she sleeps.  Both on
the couch and the rug, I found a couple of dry, fairly hard marble
sized nuggets.  Usually just one, once it was two.  Whaaa?

I have a theory or two.  One is that when she "does serious
business" she does not complete the job.  Then, when she 
relaxes, little poop pebbles fall out.   Another is that it is a
sign of advancing age and her control is not as good as it
once was.  Neither of these, however, explains the size and
shape of the leavings---relatively hard and dry and  a bit 
larger than rabbit or sheep pellets.   Does anyone have a clue
as to what is going on?  

Other than that, Angela is, as usual, a complete delight, very
affectionate as long as she gets her way.  She lets me sleep
until about 7:15 if I let her out when I go to bed between 12 
and one. She has gotten over being the velcro dog that she 
was the first week I got back from Croatia but still likes to 
sleep with her nose or but up against me on the couch.  She
is eating well, recovered fully from the cyst eruption and has
no obvious neuroses.  Just the poop pebbles.  

Bill (PLEASE don't tell her I mentioned this and accused her of
        being the culprit. ) 

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