[Dailydrool] grain free food

Marsdoxy2 at aol.com Marsdoxy2 at aol.com
Fri Dec 9 10:41:00 PST 2011

Just talked to my vet  and we are taking Maggie off the Dasaquin   for a 
week to see if that is a culprit  I really dont think so but the plan  is to 
try and get the inflammation    down so we can get her OFF the  preds and 
retest her again, this time we may go to a specialist and have her  skin tested 
 she would have to be sedated for that.  she is literally  chewing her feet 
raw  and I am going crazy  this is so hard, she was  doing so good !
I have to thank all of the droolers who have written with  food  
suggestions,  I am looking into each and every one
hubby's truck bit the dust wouldn't start today ??????  NO HONEY  !!!!!  
you can not use my car I have therapy !
And WHY  am I getting spam sent to my E Mails about Cialis  ?????????????  
I am 63  why in the hell would I give a good rats A**  about an 4 hour 
erection ?????????   huh ???  really  4  hours   Seek medical attention if it 
last more than 4  hours     REALLLY ?   would you really wait 4  hours ?????  
what the hell are you suppose to do after the first 15 minutes  ????  sit in 
the recliner , cover it with a blanket and sing  stary stary nights ??????
STOP   I have tried everything to have it sent to my spam folder  and there 
it is again peeking around the corner  bwahaahahahahaahaha
Bev,  I really admire you for your strength    working with  NIGEL,,  it 
has to be really hard, putting him in the cart and taking him  out , and 
cleaning up after him,   plus three other dogs wanting  in and out  , what a work 
load lady !  anyone would get  flustrated   hang in there  get another 
bottle of wine ! I know  my garbage man must think I am a drunk !  
Marlene  mommy to Maggie Wags and Evil  Annie
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