[Dailydrool] Howliday Cards

Eleri Pastouret elerimist at free.fr
Mon Jan 17 09:55:17 PST 2011

Bonejour everybuddy, Pw Penny and Pw Polly woofin' in from across the  
waves, in France.

Well, we HAD to write and say that we are SO SO SO proud.  We are now  
famous wheeeeeee.  Da mum says she has to laugh but we are taking this  
TRES seriously.

Auntie Amanda, your card arrived today and it was addressed to US and  
IT GOT HERE!  Okay, Polly, slow down, let me explain properly.  Okay,  
Penny, off you go.  Well, ALL the Drool cards are addressed to us  
houndies but this particular card had NO HUMANS mentioned at all!!!   
That means we are FAMOUS cuz the postman knows US.  Once our grandma  
(atb now) was staying here and she had something sent to her.  Well  
the postman never delivered it and sent it back because he didn't know  
the name.   So, see, we are famous.

There are still 9 cards missing and we have ALL our pawsies X'd that  
one day they will show up.

Hugs, lurps, drool and bellyrubs to ALL

Pw Penny and Pw Polly (very chuffed)

Eleri Pastouret
Visit my Zazzle store : www.zazzle.co.uk/mistygris*

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