[Dailydrool] For Patti and Daisy

Lilie Basset Liliebasset at comcast.net
Sun Jun 26 13:24:49 PDT 2011

Lilie doesn't romp, either.  I used to take her to our local dog park but 
she just sat around with the humans (hoping for treats?) and had no interest 
in playing with the other dogs.

She's not a player.  Daisy the Yorkie and Daffodil are fast friends because 
they both play.  Even they don't play with balls, however.  Lilie is a 
chewer.  Rawhide bones are her thing and now that she's 9 years old a 
pleasant nap makes her happy.

So...just like people, the dogs are all different.  By the way, it took 
Lilie almost 3 years to accept Daffodil.  She was never really nasty, but 
she made it clear that she would be glad to hold the door open if Daffy 
would like to leave.

Katie, Lilie and Daffodil 

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