[Dailydrool] Urgent Drool needed for Crackers

Kr1204 kr1204 at aol.com
Tue Mar 22 07:29:22 PDT 2011

I can't believe it. Crackers was sick over the weekend with vomiting 
and Mon AM I took him to the vet. They kept him over night giving him 
subq fluids, anti emetics and no food or water. I called at 10 am and 
they had given him another injection and were going to let him have a 
little water. 20 minutes later, they called and said he bloated 
immediately after drinking and they had him on the table trying to pass 
a tube but will probably have to operate. He is only 9 and the 
sweetest, gentlest hound. I can't stand to lose another boy at a young 
age. Please send any spare drool our way that we get through this ok.
Kathy crying real hard with Loki and Jordan looking on.

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