[Dailydrool] Penelope - Update

Dianne Taylor sokermom5 at live.com
Thu Mar 24 13:21:59 PDT 2011

Penelope did well with her surgery.  The doctor removed a stone the size of a silver dollar from Penelope's right kidney.  She's not sure if her kidney will be functional as it is very small, but we're going to give it a shot to see if it will work.  She is sending the stone to the lab to determine it's composition.  She made a small incision in the bladder and flushed, flushed, and flushed some more - there were many small stones the size of kitty litter.  She also noticed some spots on the intestines, but she is not sure what they are.  She is thinking it might be a result of the Ph level in her urine being at such a high level.
I can't begin to imagine the pain this poor little girl has been suffering.  If you had met her, you would not have had a clue she was hurting - I certainly didn't.  In fact, if she had not started passing blood in her urine, I probably would have not known she had a problem until it may have been too late.  I know for a fact - kidney stones hurt and make you feel horrible.  This precious baby deserves a gold star plus more for what she's been through and not managed to bite our hands.  
Miss Penelope will be spending the night at the vetspital and possibly the weekend, depending on how she feels tomorrow.  I know she is in excellent and loving hands so that puts my mind at ease.  However, I don't think I'll rest well until she's home with me.
I will post updates on the little one.  If anyone would like to see a picture of Penelope, please visit our rescue website at www.cbhr.com and look in the section of "Adopt A Hound" and scroll to you see Penelope.  She has gained a little weight since this picture.  I jokingly call her "Squints" because when she's been asleep and you turn on the light - she actually squints like a two-legger.  
Thank you all so much for your prayers, hugs, and drool for our girl.
Dianne - Slave to Morgan, J.D., and foster girl, Penelope 		 	   		  
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