[Dailydrool] Allergies & basset mixes

jkrames at aol.com jkrames at aol.com
Wed Mar 30 11:42:21 PDT 2011

Two comments on the topics under discussion:  First, my vet gave me hydroxyzine for Jackson's allergies.  He advised me to use Benedryl first and if it doesn't work try the hydroxyzine for 3 or 4 days, then stop.  Of course, Jackson's allergies are not as severe as those described by others.

Second, I know someone who thought she had a basset/lab mix.  When she bought the dog to the vet, she was told that he was a dwarf lab, not a basset at all.  Apparently, some breeds are prone to dwarfism, which may be why so many dogs look like basset mixes.  I am sure there are many actual basset mixes as well.  I just want to point out a possibility.

Also, I do want to mention that I too have a Mabel who was mistreated and terrified of men when we first got her.  My husband changed that by constantly feeding her treats & table scraps (over my objections), so now she has gone from slim, trim & fearful to fat, happy & loving.  She also rules the roost & attacks the other dogs when she feels it necessary to assert her authority.  She is of the firm belief that Jackson does not belong on the master bed.  When I am around, she is not allowed to push him off, but often manages to intimidate him.  She adopted me from the start, so is does not complain when Jackson acts like a lap dog with my husband.

Finally, Jackson & Mabel ( and also not-a-basset Jack) would like to know whether they can start a anti-vole committee.  They do patrol for squirrels as well, but think that their slaves have failed in their vole obliteration actions--actually the slaves ignore the voles.  Jack embarrassed them the other day by actually capturing and doing away with a vole.  The bassets are of the firm opinion that racing about sniffing the ground, howling, and then sticking a large nose down a petite hole is the way to go.  What do the squirrel experts think?  Also, what rank is appropriate for an incompetent but active vole hunter?

Momslave to Mabel, Jackson & Jack

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