[Dailydrool] Hollydaze are cummin berry soon

Cynthia Goldizen pawsforblossom at hotmail.com
Sat Nov 19 20:08:48 PST 2011

This be da Tana triplets in berry ch-ch-chilly Tana.  We gots sum of dat white stuff on da ground now and the thermommymeter be sitting in da freezer wif sum cold winds cummin tomorrow and ober da weekend.  Lacey sez we needs to go see Bo in Hawaeeee.  We be stayin indoors readin the drools abowt  Kwismus trees and such.  Don't fergits da ornymints(even if ya have to fence em in) and stawkings hung by da fireplace to put houndy treets in.  Ya onlee got till Dec 10 to get an order placed so we can help Gramma Leslie pay for kenneling, vet bills, and heat.  She counts so much on owr help so gib us a shout at pawsforblossom at hotmail.com and we can give all the info fast.  Ya don't hafta freeze to read on da computer.  Fanks!
Annie Belle(leader of the pack)
Jennie Mae(I need treats to stay warm)
Lacey Jo(do i hafta go outside, we can play indoors)
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