Megan Knapik mcknap at comcast.net
Tue Sep 6 18:01:09 PDT 2011

Though we don't post a whole lot - we are faithful readers/lurkers of the
Drool - since Me the mom got a computer in 1999.
Mabel has thrown herself into the ring for the Senior Houndsabounds 2012
calendar. In her youth, back when we went to the Tri State Waddle, Mabel
earned her heart out for the homeless houndies of the NJ/NY area. Having met
Aunt Wendie, now that she is in her twilight years (14 in Oct) Mabel would
like to help her and the seniors...
So if you guys would be so kind, to log a vote or two for her, she would be
most grateful... Besides adding to a great cause - you would make an older
little houndette very happy (and her mom too who would love to see her on a
calendar month)
www.BounderBlvd.org  click on calendar on the left top corner and then click
on vote - Mabel is on page 3

Thank you from both our hearts
Megan & Mabel

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