[Dailydrool] Catching up, Sister Daisy Update--oh my--

basetsavr5 at aol.com basetsavr5 at aol.com
Thu Sep 22 14:00:55 PDT 2011

Momma here--I feel as if I have been away for months rather than a couple of weeks.
The news of Ruths passing has hit us hard too, she was so kind, loved the seniors, and just was such a wonderful lady, she will be missed, and we worry about Miss Beasley, Ruth is no doubt watching her from a bright star, keeping a eye on Beas as she always did--Ruth may you rest in peace, know we all loved you.

Drool is coming for Judith's meow Monroe. We hope today is a better day for them both. 
Buttercup--when I first read of your adventure, I about had a stroke--then I read all is well--what a scare!!!
Harry--any updates?? Drool is coming from the Beach Gang--
Pearl--more drool coming girl--keep up the fight!

Sister Daisy--well---I didnt stop believing--she is fine, pawfect in fact. Now have all pathology tests and continued blood work is in and she has No cancer. All normal, everything. A miracle hound. She has all the staples out, has one more day of meds, and she is eating, barking, doing her doggie things. Slow, but she looks so good.  Drool and prayers are mighty good stuff and I thank you all so very much. But------in the process of getting Sister Daisy to eat I do think I have created a little monster. Or perhaps slave training at its finest. Getting her to eat consisted of me cooking everything that I could think of to break the cycle of the no I wont eat houndette. Liver once--(I bought 4 pounds, ) she then refused, chicken livers, once--(I bought 2 containers-went to 3 stores)--she then refused. Turkey-it is still a go right now, but about afraid to cook another one- She has to be served perchside-not her bowl, a plate-or better yet, hand fed is her preference. I called home from the road the other day and asked hubby how she was--he was on the floor with turkey, hand feeding. This I would of loved to see--and she eats smaller meals about 4 times a day.  She is pretty skinny now--One never knows what she might turn the snooter up at so you better have back up ready--the refrigerator looks like a bomb of leftovers took over. Elwood is in food heaven. Jake remains on his diet, but he is in his glory that his girl is better. 
As for me--every muscle I have hurts, I have not crawled around on the floor this much since the daughter was a wee one. But worth every ache and pain. Slave training is hard work on this old slave and dare I say that Elder Clara is giving many hints from above.
So that is the news from the Beach Gang--a huge sigh of relief along with old age moans and groans from Momma.

Also, before I forget--please go on over to www.seniorhoundsabound.org and get in on the calendar contest, help a senior-the voting is about to get hot and heavy-1.00 per vote and order a calendar while you are there. Helping seniors is what we do!! The pictures alone are woth a look!!

Drool to all in need!!


Debbie Winchester 
Official Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to 
PW, OEBE Elder Clara, 
OEBE Brudder Elwood, Instigator of Evil Deeds
Elder Sister Daisy, Brudder Jake
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