[Dailydrool] Maggie Wags is coming home !!!!

Marsdoxy2 at aol.com Marsdoxy2 at aol.com
Tue Apr 24 08:18:54 PDT 2012

I just had a phone call from Dr. Melanie  and she said that Maggie is  
doing good,  walking and wagging her tail, no vomiting  and she is now  eating  
a tablespoon of food every two hours and is keeping it down,   still not as 
much pooping as they would like,  but this is not unusual  considering  the 
pain meds and inactivity,
they are hoping by the time I go pick her up at 4:30 PM that she will have  
gone poo !  she is going to be on a restricted diet for a while.  and  
trust me I will not let her out of my sight unsupervised unless she has a muzzle 
 on.  it is so sad because I have this HUGE  fenced in back yard ,  every 
dog owners dream yard and she can't go out unless she has a human  chaperone 
I want to Thank all of my fellow droolers  who have sent me personal  
E-Mails offering prayers and drool.  some of you I have already sent  replies   I 
will try to get to all of you,  I was a real basket  case  and you guys saw 
me through it  THANK YOU  and once again I  can not Thank Sandi Wittenberg 
for recommending Sylvania Animal Hospital,   when I think of the out come if 
I had taken my Maggie to her old vet,  I  know for a fact  I would be 
buying an URN.
just a short funny here,  Annie was sitting on my bed yesterday  whining 
and crying when I left  with Maggie,  so hubby wanted to  comfort her,    
well,  I have my bed pushed up against the wall,  because I have to crawl up the 
wall when I get out of bed in the morning,   that's just how it is with MS  
 any ways hubby moves the bed  over  climbs on  my bed to hug Annie and my 
bed fell apart  box  springs and mattress fell to the floor, Annie took off 
like she was shot out of  a cannon , when I got home, there was a note on 
the kitchen table, 
 I BROKE YOUR BED !  I will fix it when I get home  tonight,  BILL !   no, 
I'm sorry honey !  No,  I  love you !, 
No, I will call you later    just BILL !  he is so  endearing  
bwahahahahaha !
Thanks Again Droolers
Marlene   mommy to Maggie Wags, ( I gets to come home !)   and Evil Annie
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