[Dailydrool] News from Gracie

Dale Rutz dalerutz at sbcglobal.net
Wed Dec 26 10:27:25 PST 2012

Hi it's Gracie,

Well, it's been a very festive holiday season.  Whatcha get???  Mommy says its 
not polite to ask, especially because we had Hanukkah and that was first but now 
everybody's had Christmas and she's making coffee so I'm asking .... whacha 

I got a new line green collar and it says Gracie on it and has mommy's cell 
phone number and I got a new lead and it has tinkerbell on it and I got a purple 
Rhino and I got new tennis balls and I got nickzillion treats and I got a little 
gingerbread girl that goes squeak and then this hound named Harrison sent me a 
braided peanut butter chewer and it was HUGE and I got that too.  Whatcha get??

I never ever had a holiday before and never ever got lots of presents and treats 
and stuff.  LuLu either.  So we were very excited.  Snoopy has.  Snoopy got 
RIDICULOUSLY excited.  Let me tell you what happened yesterday.

It seems that some guy in a red suit squeezed himself down our chimney and 
brought Blue Buffalo salmon treats and some Blue Buffalo banana and yogurt 
flavored cookies and those chewers from Harrison.  Well mommy doesn't approve of 
rawhide chewers but Snoopy was SO excited and it seems he might have written 
Harrison's mommy and made up a story where his clueless momPerson said it would 
be ok just this once so mommy didn't know what to do.  He has FOOD AGGRESSION. 
 So, she did what any clueless momPerson would do ..... she gave us the chewers. 
 All in the same room.  Didn't even pull the crate out of storage.  No gates, no 
separation, nada.  And guess what happened???  Guess??  Nope, you didn't guess 
right.  I lay down on the ottoman and LuLu lay down on the floor and Snoopy went 
and hid in the corner.  And we chewed and we chewed and we chewed and we chewed. 
 Apparently we have to be supervised with chewers so we couldn't be alone until 
we were done.  About 3 hours in LuLu got her braid undone and chewed up and 
swallowed 1 of the 3 pieces.  They weren't very big by then but apparently that 
is IT ... once the biggest pieces are swallowable that is IT apparently and 
mommy came through the room and traded the ends of the chewers for salmon treats 
and threw the end pieces away.  Is she supposed to do that?  I'm just checking 
because she IS clueless ya know.

So then we drank half a bowl of water each and played chase and basset 500 and 
wrestled and acted like clowns.

And then our family had a very traditional Christmas (for them).  They went out 
to chinese food for lunch and went and saw the Hobbit.

More later from Gracie ..... whatcha get????
with LuLu and Snoopy too (we got all that we wanted a more, we are loved and 
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