[Dailydrool] Unplanned weight loss (sorry, bit long)

Sally King sallyemking at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Feb 15 01:49:11 PST 2012

I know this is not a normal basset topic and to be honest, the only connection this has with bassets is that it is affecting Rolph and Clara's cousin, Nemisis. However, there is so much knowledge on this list, someone might have an idea.

My sister lives on a Greek island - wonderful for a human, but pretty rubbish if you're a dog. Being of English origin, her dogs get better cared-for than most out there. She has two, Honoria, an 18-month-old German shepherd and Nemisis a 4-year-old lab cross.

Nemisis has never been a big eater. She looks like a very small, lightweight lab. About four months ago weight started dropping off her. My sister feared Honoria was stealing all the food, but that was not the case. She checked for obvious things like worms and a hateful disease they get there which comes from mosquitoes - maneires? - which would have been a death sentence. Nothing.

She is now feeding Nemisis more than she is feeding Honoria, double what she was eating before, and barely keeping her weight stable.
Of course, she has taken her to the vet, who said, believe it or not, "It's because it's winter and she's cold". Hmm, well, yes, but this didn't happen during any of the other winters she's lived through. 
I know most of us would have immediately walked out and found another vet, but unfortunately, there is no choice where she lives.

Nemisis' motions are normal, her coat is glossy, she is perfectly happy, but it is as though her metabolism has gone into overdrive.

Has anyone had any experience like this? I had it with a very old dog (18 years) but that was age-related.

Sally, with Rolph and Clara, UK on behalf of Nemisis in Crete
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