[Dailydrool] Basset Puppy

Chris Bly jbly1 at kc.rr.com
Tue Feb 14 16:01:47 PST 2012

I will probably get flamed here but here goes.
Marie Campbell posted she wants a Basset puppy and prefers red and white or 
lemon and white and wonders if  there is a difference in them compared to 
the tricolor.
We have fostered several Bassets and I am definitely not an expert nor a 
psychoanalyst but it is my personal opinion that the red and white Bassets 
to me seem a little more stubborn than the tricolors. I have never had a 
lemon and white puppy. I find the older lemon and whites are sweet but the 
best tempered seem to be the tris in my personal opinion.
The red and whites have the temperament about the same as a true red headed 
woman. Self reliant, aloof, curious and stubborn, hard to change their 
minds, etc. You get the picture. I should know red heads since I are one.
And Marie Basset puppies really do step on heir own ears and go tumbling 
over themselves when they run, the back half seems to wiggle along faster 
than the front half. They are a joy and yet they are a challenge to 
housebreak and they chew till they are three years old.
But whether they are asleep on your lap looking like an angel or they are 
chewing the side of your couch off, all in all they are true joy to own and 
you will never regret your decision.

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