[Dailydrool] humans are more dumb than us

Eleri Pastouret elerimist at gmail.com
Mon Jan 2 07:58:58 PST 2012

Bonejour, Pw Penny and Pw Polly woofin' in from across the waves in soggy France.

Yep, today is rain day <sigh>  After lunch we go out to potty but today, given the weather conditions, we decided to have a lie-in.  It's Dadperson's job but he has a cold so da mumperson volunteered to take us out.  She waited patiently till we were ready to go out.  Polly decided she could hold it no longer so the humans said okay.  Polly was helped into her raincoat and then it was my turn.  Hmmmm, I'm a Pwincesse, remember, nobody gives me orders.  I shut tight my eyes and snored gently.  Da mumperson said "never mind, I'll take her later".  So out she goes with little sis (no brains - that's for BOTH of them).  Whilst they were out the heavens opened and they both came back pretty soggy hehehe.

Then about 10 minutes later I decided it was time to go out so da mumperson smiled through her teeth, helped my into my raincoat and out we went.  Guess what?  It wasn't raining any more hehehehehehehehehehe

I tell you, I'm the only one with brains here.  As a senior Pwincesse I have tried and tried to train them, but will they listen?  Nope, they just go out and get soggy <sigh>

Anyways, Happy New Year to all of you and drool to all in need.

Pw Penny
(Pw Polly - I HAD to go, otherwise there'd have been an accident. Honest, sis)

Eleri Pastouret

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