[Dailydrool] I guess I'm six!

bassetslave at comcast.net bassetslave at comcast.net
Wed Jan 25 14:08:31 PST 2012

Arooooo. It is me, Rusty. Starting this morning, my people started slurping on my snooter and telling me, "YOU ARE SIX!" Huh? I'm confused. Six what? I'm the baby around here. (Don't tell Pawtunia....) A little over three whatevers ago Penny Angel's Beagle Rescue called and asked my she slave if I could be a foster. Don't really know what that is, either. I came. I stayed. I slept. 

All things considered, I think they have been more or less okay. I do have this bad habit of well, attempting to eat folks who grab my collar when I growl or steal my blankie while I am asleep. Took a few not so gentle human snacks  to teach them not to do that . Really sorry about that . Its been a real long time..... they say I am the laziest basset they have ever met. Even by basset standards.  I like my bowl, my couch and my walkies in that order. Once in a while I let them dress me up in something really stupid cause it gets me pets and treats.  I was only a tad humiliated when a bunch of the aunties dressed me up as "Doggie GaGa" at Slobberfest.  If I'd have won a prize, I'd probably have been less humiliated....or more. Not sure. They have something almost as silly for me for the upcoming season. I catch pretty good, if ya throw something I decide is worth catching. 

For my birthday, I think I will have my special bowl served on my couch! 

I'm a little confused about my canine orientation. Most of the time I think I am a basset......rumor has it there were some AKC paper things that the beagle rescue people didn't bother to take. (Which makes my humans crazy because they would like to know if my four footed parents are around!) ...but I visit my beagle friends regulary at the Petsmart and go to their events and they all tell me I'm a 75 pound beagie with rather short legs and long ears. Pawhaps I should just pack my stuffs and go see Wendie in Florida......I recently sniffed both basset and beagie on my she slave and get the idea I could pass as both at Wen's house! Except I'm only six and know that isn't very senior. 

I do understand it is good to raise moolah for paw hounds and will try to do that in the spring...and  love a good waddle......but for now, I'm going to go take a nap and dream of steak for dinner. Happy Birthday to Layla who I see on the calendar today and to the great auntie slave who is really 98 today and living well !! I don't know exactly what it is we are counting, but 98  is a lot in dawG years! 

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