[Dailydrool] Fur Whoose The Bell Tolls

basetsavr5 at aol.com basetsavr5 at aol.com
Sun Jan 29 10:37:00 PST 2012

Left. Up. No that is too much. Hold it--pawfect. That is the spot. 
Nothing like big screen TV ----we must test this before the big game next weekend you know. There is something funny about watching people chase a ball. Elder Clara is thinking they need to take some pointers from a dog----hehehehe------
Hmmm, let me hit the mute button, it appears the bell is ringing. Yes, that is the bell---over to the gate, open the door, in they come---oh now look here, playing alligator mouth already, nothing makes Elder Clara happier than hounds being fast friends here at the bridge. 
Lets check the docket---Lucky. come on over here young man. My goodness, you are looking spry, and what, a special request is listed here--lets see, you want 2 locations--really?? Yes, yes, i understand. Got it. A star over on Rescue road for all the work your Momma Helena has done but yet a second location over by Edgar on Sunshine Trail. Big orders for a basset, but yes---1212 Rescue Road for you, but you will have to double up over on Sunshine---that is a busy street you know----Edgar says he has room, you will both be very happy. 

Next. Casey, and what a looker--my goodness, that tail is going in circles, so happy and healthy, and listen to that a sweet ahroo!!!! Casey, you would like a fluffy cloud I see, one that will remind you of all the snuggle time you had with Momma Glenda. Yes maam. Got it. Extra fluff---2001 Wag Way. Those clouds are buffed and puffed Casey. You will be thrilled.
You have come at a special time, both of you, Main Street is getting ready to open and super bowl is next week. The pawtie will last on into the night, the trucks bringing in the grub have been non-stop. The Big Bone Buffet is full, you can eat all you want. 
Now Lucky and Casey--are you ready?? Take a map and your scooper and be off---the bridge is your oyster----
Yes--Lucky and Casey have arrived, they are so fit and happy----just like things should be----

Elder Clara is closing the gate--but remember--Dont Stop Believing!!

Debbie Winchester 
Official Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to 
PW, OEBE Elder Clara, 
OEBE Brudder Elwood, Instigator of Evil Deeds
Elder Sister Daisy, Brudder Jake
 Sister Bessie, The Younger

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