[Dailydrool] einstein update

Nancy Cohen Cohen.nancy at verizon.net
Sat Jul 14 11:17:14 PDT 2012

Einstein seemed to improve somewhat yesterday, but today after breakfast 
I noticed the 3rd eyelids were back up and  he seemed to be disoriented, 
walking into the wall, the bannister.....unsure of himself.  I have an 
app't with the vet. opth. on monday and called around and nobody had a 
doctor on call for eyes in all of monmouth county for the 
weekend!!.....i decided to go thru the ER at Red Bank vet hospital and 
called them to let them know I was concerned about possible blindness.  
They were great took him right in.  There was no ulcerations, very red 
irritated eyes, and the end result was glaucoma in the right eye with 
pressures in the 80's.  Left eye, low 20's.  They said he was in pain 
but wasn't showing that to me.  He came home with an abx to the left 
eye, 3 other drops for the right eye  every 2 hours to help bring the 
pressure down.  I still have an app't with the specialist on monday.  
 From all of you (unfortunately ) experienced with glaucoma a question:  
If there was loss of vision could it only be temporary and return after 
the pressure is down? or  is vision loss permanent?  The probable 
cause.....he had a iritic cyst 2 years ago in that eye that is still 
there and he saw a specialist for.  I was told at the time that if it 
burst and the fluid was not absorbed quickly enough he could have a 
buildup of pressure in the eye leading to glaucoma.    that is what i 
think happened, and it happened fast.....sling drool for my boy.......nancy

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