[Dailydrool] In memorium ( Is tht right?)

Reed and Becky Pomeroy rebec at execpc.com
Mon Jul 16 12:24:49 PDT 2012

Champion Briarpatch's Sweet Peggy Sue   aka Piggy Paws
          April 23, 2001 -
July 14, 2012

A special girl has gone to the bridge, loving,
smart, still did the Mambo occasionally from the pure joy of life. 
Miss Bertha, the other elder in the kitchen, misses her and appears to be
grieving.  We are out of seniors to bring up from the kennel for
her..  The spouse doesn't know this but I am considering adopting a
senior.  We're down to only 11 dogs.  We have room.

crazy basset lady.  

Please take
time to visit these websites:
Rebec Bassets at 
Basset Buddies Rescue, Inc. at

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