[Dailydrool] About the chicken soup ...

Dale Rutz dalerutz at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jun 25 09:13:03 PDT 2012

Hi all, it's Snoopy,

LuLu says she told everyone I had an adventure with the chicken soup so I 
suppose you are all waiting for an explaination.  Here is the story .....

Cyrus has been moody lately about breakfast.  As in, he won't eat his.  So, the 
momPerson has been boiling chicken bones for him when we have chicken and saving 
the broth in the fridge.  She pours a little bit over his breakfast so he'll 
eat.  He eats dinner without soup, no problem.  Well I want some chicken soup 
with my breakfast too.  But noooooooooooo.... Snoopy is allergic to chicken 
evidently, Snoopy can't have any chicken stock, no no no

So anyway yesterday Cyrus wouldn't eat his breakfast even with the soup on it.  
momPerson got so flustered she went to ask the dadPerson what to do and she 
forgot she left the container with the soup stock on the counter.  Kind of close 
to the edge.  Well, being the Curator of missing Objects I quickly determined 
that this container, not being in the fridge, could be considered missing, and 
sought to currate it.  Unfortunately the container did not have a handle and 
when I grabbed it ... it kind of flipped and landed UPSIDE DOWN on my back.   It 
was COLD!!   I gave a good shake.  Now there was chicken soup on the ceiling, on 
the walls, and a spreading pool across the kitchen floor.  How EXCITING!!  I 
started charging around trying to lick it all up .... my feet were covered, my 
ears were covered, my body was SOAKED .... and then the clueless momPerson came 
in and I got worried I might be in a weee bit of trouble and I RAN FOR IT .... 
trailing chicken soup in my wake I charged through the house, over rugs, across 
furniture on beds until finally the clueless momPerson managed to grab me and 
..... I got an extra bath.  It was lovely.  Warm, soapy massage with momPerson.

And then she scrubbed down the kitchen.  Ceiling, walls and floor.  And 
shampoo'd the rugs.  And washed, wiped down, et al the rest of the house.

And that is really all that happened as regards the chicken soup.  So far, I 
haven't come out in spots.  Yet.  We're waiting.  BTW Cyrus ate his breakfast 
without the soup this morning just fine.

More later from Snoopy, OEBE, Curator of missing objects with Cyrus (who 
understands if the momPerson doesn't make him soup for a while) and LuLu (who 
thought it was hysterical and joined in the fun and tracked it all around the 
house too) and the clueless momPerson too 
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