[Dailydrool] Wulfgang's Birthday and drool

Kim Dworak kdworak69 at hotmail.com
Fri May 25 13:12:30 PDT 2012

We are sending extra special birthday drool to everyone that needs it and heart healing drool to Randee, we are so sorry and will light a candle for Dan tonight.  I lurk but always light a candle for the ones that go to the bridge and send drool when it's needed.  

I'd like to say Happy Birthday to our Wulfgang.  He is 5 today.  He loves his momma but is very much a Daddy's boy.  He also adores his brother Gunter and his Ninja kitty.  He is my high maintenance boy, who has made me use peroxide more times that I want to think about, (thank you Droolers because I didn't know about that before I joined the list).  He's also taught me (after waiting 2 hours at the emergency vet) that superglue is non toxic and crystallizes when combined with saliva.  He has super powers, he is my ninja basset who can disappear, make a mess in another room, and be back on the couch sleeping before you can blink, and can leap to the back of the counter in a single bound lol.  His other super power is that he can hypnotize you in an instant and then you wake up later wondering when you fell asleep on the couch with him.  He is the best cuddling dog I've ever had.  He snuggles right up with you and snores very softly while he keeps you warm and uses you for a pillow.  When he's awake, he talks all the time (we call it his grumbles) and he can't play without barking his head off.  He is a wonderful beautiful boy and we are lucky to be owned by him.  Happy Birthday my little love and I am stopping on the way home to pick up your cake and birthday bones for you and Gunter.  

Kim with Gunter (how about a squeaky toy), Wulfgang (did she say bones)? and the kitties

Wulfie also says Happy Birthday to Maggie since he shares her day.

If you are on Facebook I have pictures of both of them (Kim Dworak in Appleton, WI) on my page if you want to see them.

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