[Dailydrool] Long-haired Basset

Laura Powers illaurap at aol.com
Mon Oct 8 09:55:19 PDT 2012

Good morning,

I am hoping you can help me out.  I am the proud mom to two, very loving basset hounds, Barney and Buford.  Barney is very unique in that he carries the recessive gene that makes him have long hair.  I am well aware that the long hair does not meet the breed standards, but we love our furry fella and would love to know where we might acquire another.  I was just wondering if there is some sort of "Basset Board" that I can put word out that we are seeking one for adoption. I was led to this site by a representative I met at the Illinois Basset Waddle last weekend, where there were nearly a thousand basset hounds marching in a parade to benefit basset rescue.  We finally met one other long-haired basset.  I hope that you might know of someone ("who knows someone", etc) that might be able to help us out, or lead us in the right direction.  I appreciate your response!  Thanks so much!


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