[Dailydrool] Hurrycane Sandy

KR1204 at aol.com KR1204 at aol.com
Wed Oct 31 09:23:58 PDT 2012

Just chiming in from S. Jersey that the bassets and I survived, We didn't  
lose power or any trees- just a lot of small branches. Fortunately I had 
done my  winter storm stock up a week earlier and my regular bottled water 
delivery  was last week so we didn't need anything at all. I fixed up the back 
of my  Outback with rugs, comforters, dogbeds, bowls, pillows and blankets 
and had food  and water ready to load so we could go at a moments notice. But 
we lucked  out and snuggled on the couch watching the big trees dance in the 
wind and  checking the basement periodically. The bassets loved it because 
I have been  home now for three days as my state office is closed. What they 
did not love was  peeing in the rain so I have been mopping for four days. 
When the winds were at  the worst, I was afraid to let them out incase a big 
branch fell but would give  them about two minutes. Loki loved getting 
drenched and would only come in  for a cookie. Jordan would go out for a minute 
and then back in. Crackers  said NO WAY most of the time.
And of course they would dry themselves on the covers of the furniture so I 
 got to do a lot of laundry also. Hearing a lot of chainsaws in the 
neighborhood  and seeing a lot of big branched being dragged to the curb at other 
homes so we  lucked out. 
Sending prayers for those folks in NY who got burned out.
Kathy with Crackers, Loki and Jordan all warm and  dry
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