[Dailydrool] Seizure or not

Riche Churchill buglr at blomand.net
Thu Sep 13 22:10:41 PDT 2012

We have an old dog who had an "attack" 6 weeks ago where he would walk a 
step or two and fall down, bang against the wall and fall down, for what 
seemed a long time but was maybe 10 minutes. He was panting very 
heavily. I had to stay with him or he'd try to follow me. My first 
thought was heart attack, and as soon as he calmed down a bit, gave him 
an aspirin. The vet, not one we usually see, said he might have thrown a 
blood clot or some dead heartworms had passed through (apparently 
they're never completely eliminated despite treatment). She prescribed 
enacardid (sp?) and he finished the last of that last week. I asked 
about continuing, but they said no need.

This morning he had another episode. This time, he couldn't get up -- 
just scrabbled his feet a lot and panted. Again lasted 10 or 15 minutes. 
The thing is, it doesn't really look like a "seizure" (as in epilepsy or 
poisoning) to me. His eyes stay open and focused on us and he does not 
lose consciousness. Talked to regular vet and he wants to avoid 
anti-seizure med if, and as long as possible, as he says the effects 
often worse than the seizures themselves.

Anyone experienced similar? I'm thinking mini-strokes or heart attacks 
-- but that's just my uneducated feeling. No other symptoms and he's 
willing to take a treat even during attack and always ready and eager at 


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