[Dailydrool] Maggies Test results

Marsdoxy2 at aol.com Marsdoxy2 at aol.com
Tue Feb 12 09:51:09 PST 2013

??????????    We are back with our original vet Dr. Melanie  at Sylvania 
Vets,    I like her  she spent over an hour with  me and Mags,  going over 
Maggie with a fine tooth comb,  trust me, we  examined every inch  of her 
Basset body, and did blood work also,  she  said she was pretty confident that 
the " bruising "  on Maggies belly isn't  really bruising,  more like pigment 
changes going on because of her  allergies and skin infection, but these 
changes have occurred just this  week,  she use to have a pink belly with 
freckles,  now she looks like  she took a MUD  bath. Dr. Melanie is changing  
everything  around and she is sending us up to Michigan State University  
probably the  end of March  after I am done with all of my scheduled biopsies  
one  this week and the other one the  first week of March.  Mommy has to be  
well to take care of Maggie.  she put Maggie on fish capsules,  she  was 
extremely excited that Maggie was OFF her preds  and that I was  actually 
cooking for her  Venison & sweet potatoes ONLY !!!!!!!!   plus the omega 3 
capsules,  2 X a day,   and baths with  Allergroom shampoo  2 X a week  stop 
allergy injections for 2  weeks,  and she put Maggie on Clyndamyacin  for her skin 
infection  plus medicine for the acid in her stomach.  I was exhausted when 
I got  home  blood work results tomorrow
  IF  ?????? the changes with her belly get worse  or change  we have to go 
back to the vets.
I want to thank everyone who has written to me and sent prayers and  drool, 
 I honestly don't think I could keep putting one foot in front of  the 
other if it weren't for all of my drool family.  I have to admit that  my ( 
Tower of strength and my ," I can and will get this done " )   attitude is 
fading,   I am so tired.
Thank You again from the bottom of my heart
Luv you guys
Marlene  & Maggie & evil Annie
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