[Dailydrool] Dog bed covers

Riche Churchill buglr at blomand.net
Sun Jan 6 20:12:19 PST 2013

I barely qualify to speak, since only one of our 7 housedogs is a 
Basset, but be that as it may, we use regular dog beds and cover with 
sheets, old folded bedspreads, ditto comforters, also large pieces of 
felt-like material -- all from yard sales. Most of these are also 
covered with baby crib sheets or bassinette-size sheets, depending on 
size of dog bed and with a peepee pad inside for the slightly 
incontinent. The baby sheets are handy because they are elasticized and 
stay in place. These also are sometimes at yard sales, but we usually 
have to buy them at Wallyworld.

The couches are another matter, and are covered with sheets or 
bedspreads. None of our dogs desire to sleep in our beds except the Shih 
Tzu, although one likes to sleep in the laundry basket left especially 
for her with a soft crumpled-up blanket inside.

The weird-o Basset likes to sleep in the smallest crate we have (used 
only for the Shih Tzu at mealtime) with bits of her poking through the 
bars, but if not there, then stretched out to fullest possible length on 
one of the two couches in living room -- much to dismay of anyone else 
wishing to sit or lie there.

Note: We have bought the special couch covers made for couch-loving 
dogs, but they hate them. We don't know why. They invariably pull and 
scrunch till they're a lumpy mass in middle of couch or end up on floor.

Riche, whose recliner is off-limits and all the dogs know it and respect 
it. Ditto the other human resident.

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