[Dailydrool] Battling Bassets

basetsavr5 at aol.com basetsavr5 at aol.com
Sun Jan 27 09:26:29 PST 2013

Geez, don't you just love a hair raising, stroke inciting rumble of the pack!!! I really hate this myself, and the noise-my dog, you just know that someone is bleeding, half dead when they are having at it. 
But this time with Snoopy makes me wonder. Is he a Full Moon dog? It is full moon time-might want to chart this one--poor old Jake WAS a full moon dog. We charted it-we watched it and we pulled him off someone once a month-doggie pms--during full moon time, it was like Jake "just had to" lash out and once it was done-- no harm no blood-once he was thrown into time out and cooled down, he always went and checked on the  object of his affection. You could almost hear him say--hey sorry, couldn't help myself.....
Then again, watch those girls Dale, I am betting there has been some eye contact that set this one up and boom it finally happened.  Poor ol Snoopy---but like Jennifer said--if Snoopy wanted to hurt one of the girls, he would of done it.
Moon Dogs are a lot like a teenager with pms, heck they fight and argue over a lint ball.
Jake--well he has not had a incident of any kind now in months. Knock on wood---
Sandi Wittenburg told me about Moon Dogs years ago--I would of never believed it until I started keeping a chart. Amazing.

Drool to all in need--

Debbie Winchester 
Official Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to 
PW, OEBE Elder Clara, 
OEBE Brudder Elwood, Instigator of Evil Deeds
Elder Sister Daisy, Brudder Jake
 Sister Bessie, The Younger
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