[Dailydrool] I missed the bus because ......

Dale Rutz dalerutz at sbcglobal.net
Thu Mar 14 13:40:09 PDT 2013

This morning was less than smooth.  It started out at 3:30 AM with Gracie waking 
me up by stretching out across my face to inform me she needed to go potty.

I told her to go ahead, we have a dog door.  She told me it was dark.  I told 
her I wasn't getting up, either go by herself or get over it.  She threatened to 
pee on the floor.  I told her if she did LuLu would tell the whole world 
(again).  So she got up and went down the hall and out the dog door and went 
potty.  And took her time coming back.  I should have known .......

Then at 6:30 I got up to feed the hounds and coming down the hall I saw it ..... 
all the shredded paper.  Homework.  Natalie had been up past 11 finishing 
homework.  I gathered up the pages and bits and pieces and taped what I could 
together and then fed the hounds.  Then I got the girls up.  Natalie informed me 
that the homework I had tried to save was old, stuff she had removed from her 
backpack when she put the freshly completed homework in.  "I'm not dumb mom, we 
all know Gracie eats paper."  So then I went back down the hall to throw the 
shredded old homework away.  Gracie was "marooned" in the hall.

She gets marooned sometimes.  It's a narrow hallway.  She isn't supposed to be 
in front of Snoopy, she is supposed to walk behind him.  Sometimes what happens 
is she is walking behind him and then he stops and then I come out of a bedroom 
door going the other way and Snoopy follows me so now Gracie is in front of us 
... oh oh ..... she will lay down against the wall in the hall and stay that way 
until he walks past her.  Sometimes he doesn't walk past her, sometimes he 
harumphs at her and lays down too ..... then she can't move ..... she is 
"marooned" until he gets up and passes her, if she tries to get up first he'll 
pound her.

So this morning when I came back after throwing away the shredded paper and 
Gracie was "marooned" I told Snoopy, come on, let's cuddle Natalie.  So he said 
why not?  He got up and came with me into Natalie's room and got up on her bed 
and she wrapped herself around him and I went to get dressed and Gracie was free 
to go where she wanted, which she did.  This was all around 6:45.  At 7:15 I 
checked on Natalie .... she was still in her bed cuddling Snoopy.  I said 
"Natalie, the bus leaves in TEN minutes what ARE you thinking?"  And she said 
"but MOM, Snoopy is so soft and so cuddly and so sweet and so smushy and so 
wonderful I just couldn't let go of him."

So I drove her to school.  I mean, what could I say?

More later from the clueless momPerson with Snoopy, LuLu, Gracie and the two 
leggers Julianne and Natalie and the DH Greg too
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