[Dailydrool] anabolic steroids for muscle mass

Racetrcker at aol.com Racetrcker at aol.com
Thu Nov 7 16:39:04 PST 2013

I was wondering if anyone has used anabolic steroids for helping  restore 
muscle mass in their basset.  Rocky, who will be 13 on New Year's  Eve, has 
lost almost all of the muscle mass in his rear end.   This is  in addition to 
severe arthritis and the xray of his hips is horrendous - looks  like a lot 
of little bone chips instead of what should be  there.   He does get 
acupuncture every month which seemed to help a  lot at first.   We're not sure if 
it's helping at all now but don't  want to stop on it and cause him to be 
worse.   He also gets Adequan  every few months for 4-6 weeks in a row.   Plus 
he is on gabapentin  for pain control and sometimes gets tremadol.   This 
is in addition to  several other medications he gets for various problems.   
He is having more and more trouble getting around, sometimes just  dragging 
his back half behind him.  Other times he can get up and move  around.  
It's not a pretty way of moving but he gets where he's  going.
Any information will be appreciated.  

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