[Dailydrool] Ben

DDropp at aol.com DDropp at aol.com
Thu Apr 3 18:28:15 PDT 2014

I have decided that I need to rename  Ben.  I feel that due to his eating 
habits he would be better called Enigma  or Paradox.  For the last few days 
he has been eating fairly well when he  finally makes it too the kitchen.  He 
has been eating the W/D chicken mixes  with some Evanger's "hunk of Beef" 
until yesterday am.  He would get 2  servings per meal, just in case he would 
turn up his nose.  After about a  half hour he did eat one, so I gave him 
the other half, and it was no way.   Begged him, Cheesed it, warmed it, tried 
spoon feeding-nothing.  So I put  in the fridge.  Tried it at lunch, just 
walked away.  Pulled it out at  dinner, wouldn't even go near it.  So I put 
the plain kibble in his bowl  with some boiled chicken and he ate his 2 
portions.  This morning did the  kibble and chicken, and Precious said take that 
nasty food away, no chicken and  kibble for me today.  Tried all sorts of 
things on it to flavor it, to no  avail.  Pulled out the crap from yesterday 
and warmed it and he ate it, two  servings worth.  
Anybody out there who needs some stress in their life, well I have the  
perfect hound for you.
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