[Dailydrool] Goodbye to our dearest Nigel

Hinchliffe at aol.com Hinchliffe at aol.com
Tue Jul 22 16:37:46 PDT 2014

The Daily Drool world is an emptier and sadder place today.  
There was just something about Nigel that was so special, so irresitstible, 
 that it felt like he belonged to all of us.  Now his adoring DD aunts and  
uncles have leaky eyes and broken hearts.  
We'll always remember him.  We'll remember him with smiles -- waiting  for 
the brown truck to bring his brains; his careful respect for Mr. Cooper Sir; 
 his bantering relationship with his brother Llewis (who was always 
consulting  his Big Book (Dictionary) and annoying Nigel with his corrections when 
he was  trying to write a post).  
We'll remember his joys, when his great big heart practically burst with  
happiness when he was tracking.  We're so happy he had that wonderful last  
We'll remember his bravery, facing all the physical problems that plagued  
him these last few years, from his wheels to all the daily complications and 
 then these awful, unfair seizures that took our boy from us.  
We'll remember the houndies (and honorary houndies), past and present, he  
shared his life with:  Mama Zelda, Mitchell, Mr. Cooper Sir, brother  
Llewis, Conley, and De Bleke Dog.  We wish we could comfort them as they  look for 
their buddy.  
And we'll remember the extraordinary relationship he had with  MomPerson 
and Mr. Biskit.  They gave him life (he was born at home), and  then they gave 
him a rich and wonderful life filled with devotion.  What  examples they 
are!  They did everything -- physically, emotionally -- to  keep their boy 
going these last difficult years.  They are amazing  examples, and our heroes.  
Bev and John -- thank you for sharing Nigel with  all of us.  We loved him, 
Nigel left us on his birthday, in the same room where he was  born.  But in 
those years before he came full circle, how he enriched our  lives, and 
deeply (and forever) touched our hearts.  
We know that you have been safely carried to the Bridge borne on all of our 
 thoughts and love -- "caught up in da riptide ob love." 
We'll miss you, big boy.  And we'll never forget you.  
For Nigel:  "You have gone ahead and nothing is the same, leaving  
pawprints on my heart that will always remain." -- Tibetan Proverb from Prayers  on 
the Wind 
With leaky eyes, 
Beth H. (Duchess ATB and Blueberry ATB) 
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