[Dailydrool] Phoebe's stats!

Pat Mayer lilygurl.pat at gmail.com
Thu Jun 12 18:17:10 PDT 2014

one of my Grand dogs is a bassethound named  Phoebe aka 'da Beebs'.  Many
of you  met her at the Great American Waddle a couple years ago.

She lives with my daughter Jen, who has hired a dogwalker because of
lengthened working hours.

The walker comes in around noon to take Beebs for a 20 minutes walk and
then some cuddle and bellyrub time.

Apparently the walker sends stats on the walking!

For Beeb's first time out for a 20 minute walk  her astounding time was 143
minutes per hour for 0.14 of a mile.  Apparently the dog walker also
carried Beebs home as was reported by a neighbor.  :)

Good thing Beebs is a trim 40+ pounds.

*Drool to all in need. Luv and Kissies too.Pwincess LilyGurl ATB , Rudy-
Protege to the pwincess,  and the rest of the entourage*
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