[Dailydrool] A little Drool for Crackers

KR1204 at aol.com KR1204 at aol.com
Thu Mar 13 15:45:23 PDT 2014

I have put off asking because of all the others who need it more but if  
there is a little left over, could you please send it to Crackers who drools  
mightily for everyone else. He started refusing food a week ago Mon and then 
 would only eat one thing each day, i.e. bread, vienna sausages, 
chicken,etc. He  did continue to drink normally the whole time. Friday he had several 
bouts of  diarrhea and I took him to the vet on Sat. He had lost 5 lbs in 
two weeks but  she didn't find anything remarkable. He got an anit-nausea drug 
and  antibiotics. His appetite has gradually picked up and he has been 
eating  kibble the past two days but he only eats about 1/4 cup at a time so I  
am feeding him several small meals a day. His personality is back but what  
worries me is he is very wobbly in his hind legs. At first I thought it was  
due to strain of having to walk around a frozen snow filled back yard for 
two  weeks but the ice and snow cleared up the past couple of days and  he 
has not improved. He goes back to the vet in a week for followup. I am not  
letting him climb stairs and have made him a "nest" on the family room  floor 
with comforters and quilts so he won't be tempted to get on the  furniture. 
Hopefully he improves but we need a little help right now.
It was 3 years ago on 3/11 that he bloated and spent 4 days in a coma at  
the vetspital. I was praying this had nothing to do with that as was my  vet.
Also, I have done Crackers a great disservice by telling people he  was 
12-13 years old. My vet checked the records and he is actually 11  years young!
Kathy with Crackers, Loki (who is so jealous of all the goodies  Crackers 
is getting) and Jordan.  
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