[Dailydrool] Dailydrool Digest, Vol 319, Issue 2

bassetslave at comcast.net bassetslave at comcast.net
Wed May 14 05:56:36 PDT 2014

Sound of butt being swatted. Thud. Auntie Feyfey! Momcakes! What is up? Elvis....not my friend, Elvis......I dreamed he was there, but really???? No.Elvis can’t not be ATB. He is forever. Elvis is forever. You knew him back when he was on his paws and lived with Hanni? He was a spunky young hound? Up to mischief? I did not know him then. I was too young..... Elvis couldn’t walk for the last 6 years and Auntie Angelika redefined the word slave in taking good care of him. Elvis thought, "No problem." He would give us that smile, squint and keep going. He had cancer, "No problem" Pooped or puddled in the house, "No problem. Vestibular disease, "No problem." He woofed..... a lot and adopted that, "Every WOOF counts." 


Elvis was adopted from ABC. He morphed into Old Man Elvis..... and never let it stop him from having fun or raising piles of moolah for homeless hounds. If caring for him was not nuff, he made his slave work all the time to further his goals. He lived with Pw. Miss Brandy who snarked......and his dear friend Chillie, and later with his young ‘sisters’, Peachie and Peanut.... but Elvis was the star. He was named a Pwince and a Duke, travelled to Michigan and Maryland and New York and Pennsylvania and rolled on the boards in Ocean City. His pack of Aunties used to hug him good bye and cry over him every time. A few years back, they stopped thinking it was the last time they would see him. Elvis shared his 15 th birthday cake with them (and me and Rusty and our friends!!) last September and I thought he’d share my 10 th this weekend. Not happening. It was his time to see Feyfey. The pawty has moved up. 


Momcakes and Feyfey both knew him...and Taco WOOF Bell who greeted him WOOFING up a storm. Followed by a snark from Miss Brandy who was just waiting to do that. He ignored her. Chillie and his own mamahound came next. The buffet is loaded with tasty steak and piles of pupperoni and chicken meatballs. Elvis had simple tastes and the beagles were happy to cook for him. Lousiana Elvis showed up just as they were starting to eat and the two newest Elvis’s at the bridge chowed down together. WOOF Caruso has the telescope ready, it is going to be tied up for a while while Elvis looks at his slaves, his Aunties, his original slave and everybody who loved him. Everybody wave. 


I’m getting in the car now....going to see my son in Ohio. Last time the she slave was in the hotel, Elvis was there. Then they are going to the banks of Lake Feyfey in Michigan. Last time we were there, Elvis was there. I think we will all be thinking that for a very long time....but Elvis has left the waddle. 

This one was very hard. Elvis was our friend and we all loved the amazing hound he was. Good for him that he was loved best by Auntie Angelika. 


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