[Dailydrool] Treats

Michele S. wickedfoxybear at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 4 09:06:30 PDT 2014

Here at Howling Hound Acres we make our own treats for the boyz. We make our own cookies during the winter, making 3 batches at a time and freezing at least 1/2 of them for summer. Thank you Jennifer for suggesting that we do this. Having the stocked up cookies in the freezer was such a big help this summer especially since summer time is major increase in workload here on the farm..one less thing we had to do when we were up to our eyeballs in putting out and tending to the garden and then harvesting, canning and freezing all the veggies. Plus keeping up with the pool, mowing the yard and nursing 2 baby calves. We also have an Excalibur dehydrator....I love this thing!!!! We make chicken and liver jerky, a dehydrated meat and veggie patty of all kinds of veggies, some fruit and either ground turkey or chicken all mixed up, made into patties then dehydrated. (Thanks to Jennifer for this recipe too) I also make veggie chips for me and the hounds to snack on.  I make yellow squash & zucchini chips. I also used the dehydrator this year to dry hot peppers (either leave whole or grind into a hot pepper powder for seasoning meats and other dishes) I am lucky here at the farm because we now have a sun room attached to the house. I put the dehydrator in there, especially with the liver because it will stink up the house. I can open up a couple of the windows and turn on the ceiling fan on and we are good to go.  No stinky house.  Normally if the humidity is low, I put my chicken or liver on around 3-4 pm let it go over night and the chicken I am pulling of by 7am the next morning and the liver might go until 8am or so but I usually am able to pull it off NLT noon the next day. One thing that I have found with the liver jerky is that it last longer if I put it in the fridge. Because I did loose part of batch that molded after a couple of weeks but that might have been just a Florida issue (higher humidity down there).  There is nothing better that seeing the boyz drool for their homemade treats.  Ruger actually knows when I put liver or chicken jerky on and he knows when it is done! He will start raising cane by barking until I go pull the jerky off of the dehydrator. Oh course he and Xander have to taste test it to ensure its quality. Plus I know what is in their treats and where it comes from...it is all human grade ingredients. It so nice not to have to worry about dog treat recalls!

Michele, Ruger, Xander at Howling Hound Acres and Colt ATB
Women are Angels...And when someone breaks their wings..They simply continue to fly....on a broomstick...They are flexible like that...
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