[Dailydrool] Drool Dictionary

Pamela McQuade via Dailydrool dailydrool at lists.dailydrool.org
Wed Apr 22 09:39:27 PDT 2015

Many thanks, Susan Randolph, for the warm memories of a time when the 
only Drool was the one that appeared in my Inbox or on the Boards. 
Though the OEBE and BABES got banished to the Boards, many of us 
continued to read both E-mails and Boards until the original OEBEs and 
BABES headed for the Bridge and few earthly hounds replaced them. The 
days before that banishment were ones in which imaginations flew free 
and many bassets entertained us with stories. Then the Drool became a 
more practical place, and the good BABES no longer tiffed with the 
troublemaking OEBEs.

Today our own Adm. Sir Belvedere, of BABES fame, no longer captains the 
Good Ship Lollipup (except at the Bridge). Noah Go Slowah no longer 
arranges for OEBE antics that covered the globe. Nor do we hear about 
DopeyCrat elections. But those of us who lived through those days are 
thankful for the memories. We appreciate your keeping them alive.

I think I'll pull out my copy of I HAD YOU AT AHROOO and relive them. 
(Maybe you should mention this book in the revised dictionary?)

Pam, food slave to

Lady Jane (OEBE), Adm. Sir Belvedere (BABES) and all the rest of the 
Dashing Bassets

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