[Dailydrool] Concrete Ear Flaps - cleaning protocol

via Dailydrool dailydrool at lists.dailydrool.org
Thu Jun 4 13:47:31 PDT 2015

So my Eve has the issue with the concrete ears!  Since she was/is a show dog I've found that using Self Rinse Plus waterless shampoo spray on her ears, soaking them good and then wiping off with a towel works the best.  I buy the stuff in gallons and put it in a smaller spray bottle.  Works great for in between baths, too!
Here is a link to what it looks like and one place you can get it. 
[ http://www.cherrybrook.com/index.cfm/a/catalog.prodshow/vid/497826/catid/233/vname/ProLine_Self_Rinse_Plus_Shampoo?gclid=Cj0KEQjw7r-rBRDE_dXtgLz9-e4BEiQATeKG7Bbv9nGOKShbPs9mMWVd8XLmzN16ANOagpMoMXRJd9UaAkXk8P8HAQ ]( http://www.cherrybrook.com/index.cfm/a/catalog.prodshow/vid/497826/catid/233/vname/ProLine_Self_Rinse_Plus_Shampoo?gclid=Cj0KEQjw7r-rBRDE_dXtgLz9-e4BEiQATeKG7Bbv9nGOKShbPs9mMWVd8XLmzN16ANOagpMoMXRJd9UaAkXk8P8HAQ )
Henry, Eve, Faith and Huck
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